Warren Tenhouten

Warren Tenhouten

Research Professor

Email: wtenhout@ucla.edu

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Ph. D., Michigan State University


Neurosociology, oral history analysis, sociology of emotions, sociology of time, sociology of knowledge. Current research: Life history project with Australian Aborigines;time-consciousness and social relations; affect-spectrum theory.


“Dual Symbolic Classification and the Primary Emotions: A Proposed Synthesis of Durkheim’s Sociogenic and Plutchik’s Psychoevolutionary Theories of the Emotions,” International Sociology 10:427-445.

“Outline of a Socioevolutionary Theory of the Emotions. International Sociology and Social Policy 16:189-208,1996.

“Text and Temporality: Patterned-Cyclical and Ordinary-Linear Forms of Time-Consciousness, Inferred from a Corpus of Australian Aboriginal and Euro-Australian Life-Historical Interviews.” Symbolic Interaction, 22:121-37